How To Apply
Required Materials for Application Packet:
- Contact the school. Your desired grade may be full!
- Click below to apply. This application is for new students only! Returning students should wait for instructions for annual re-registration/re-enrollment.
Apply for the 2024-2025(Current Year)
Apply for the 2025-2026 school year (upcoming year):
- Records submitted in person, via email, or by postal mail
- Birth certificate proving required, minimum age
- Baptismal record
- Report cards or transcripts from outside academic institutions
- Letter of Recommendation and Evaluation of Child’s Performance (submitted by teacher and/or administrator from outside academic institution) submitted in person, via email, or by postal mail
- TK + K
- 1st - 8th grade
- Waiver form for Letter of Recommendation and Evaluation (submitted by the parent/guardian) submitted in person, via email, or by postal mail